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Die SDG-Toolbox der Zukunft FAIRändern Kampagne
Nachhaltigkeitsbildung für Mitarbeitende und Nachwuchskräfte

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Herzlich Willkommen in der SDG-Toolbox


Schön, dass Sie hier sind - in Ihrer digitalen SDG-Toolbox der Zukunft FAIRändern Kampagne!

Auf dieser Seite erhalten Sie Zugang zu allen Bildungsmaterialien der SDG-Toolbox - damit Sie
niederschwellige und attraktive Nachhaltigkeitsbildung für Mitarbeitende und Nachwuchskräfte
in Ihrer Organisation umsetzen können!

Das Prinzip: Knackige Sensibilisierungsbotschaften (z.B. auf Stickern, Postkarten, Plakaten) wecken
die Neugier für Nachhaltigkeit. Über QR-Codes gelangen die Mitarbeitenden & Nachwuchskräfte zu vertiefenden, digitalen Bildungsangeboten (z.B. Videos, E-Learnings).

Kombinieren Sie die SDG-Materialien flexibel und individuell, ganz nach Ihrem Bedarf.

Damit Sie zielführend durch die SDG-Toolbox navigieren können, erhalten Sie zunächst einen Überblick.


Illustration: Lea Dohle

Die Bestandteile der SDG-Toolbox

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Ihre Navigationshilfe

Wenn Sie links auf die einzelnen Bestandteile
der SDG-Toolbox klicken, gelangen Sie zum entsprechenden Abschnitt auf dieser Seite.

Zusätzlich hilft Ihnen das Seitenmenü rechts bei der Navigation durch die SDG-Toolbox.

Ein guter Beginn...

Step 2: Application

Within the framework of the fairwärts competition, tourism companies and organisations (e.g. DMOs, tour operators, etc.) were able to submit innovative ideas and actions within the application period from October 2019 to February 2020. A jury of experts about tourism selected one winner per category from all submissions.

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Die Bildungsmaterialien der SDG-Toolbox

Within the framework of the fairwärts competition, tourism companies and organisations (e.g. DMOs, tour operators, etc.) were able to submit innovative ideas and actions within the application period from October 2019 to February 2020. A jury of experts about tourism selected one winner per category from all submissions.

The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

Visuelle Sensbilisierung


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Step 1: Knowledge

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Step 1: Knowledge

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

Step 1: Knowledge

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

The winners of the fairwärts competition will be publicly awarded in Summer 2020. The entire competition will be accompanied by an extensive communication campaign.

The winners of the fairwärts competition will be publicly awarded in Summer 2020. The entire competition will be accompanied by an extensive communication campaign.

The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

Auditive Sensibilisierung

Realistische Traumreise - Frühlingswiese

Stoy & Sounddesign: Volkmar Sorg

Image by Artur Łuczka
Realistische Traumreise: Frühlingswiese
Image by Yoal Desurmont
Realistische Traumreise: Regenwald

Realistische Traumreise - Regenwald

Story & Sounddesign: Volkmar Sorg


The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

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The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

The winners of the fairwärts competition will be publicly awarded in Summer 2020. The entire competition will be accompanied by an extensive communication campaign.

The winners of the fairwärts competition will be publicly awarded in Summer 2020. The entire competition will be accompanied by an extensive communication campaign.

The winners of the fairwärts competition will be publicly awarded in Summer 2020. The entire competition will be accompanied by an extensive communication campaign.


The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.

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Außerdem... unsere SDG-Ausstellung!

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Als eine physische Ergänzung zu den vorrangig digitalen Bildungsangeboten bietet die SDG-Ausstellung die Möglichkeit, dem Thema Nachhaltigkeit – wortwörtlich – Raum zu geben und zum gemeinsamen Lernen einzuladen.


Durch interaktive Verlinkungen zu entsteht eine spielerische und attraktive Lernatmosphäre.

Haben Sie Interesse an einer Leihgabe? Kommen Sie gern auf uns zu!

The Project in a nutshell

fairwärts is not only a competition, but also an educational and awareness raising project. It is our goal that employees, responsible persons and product managers of German tourism companies should deal with the main topics of the competition and develop their own ideas and actions with the help of the free and practice-oriented educational offers we have created. The focus is on sustainable tourism.


Your contact persons for the project Sustainable Destination Chimborazo

Günter Koschwitz

Project coordinator

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Janina Rapp

Project manager


Janina Rapp

Project manager

+49 711 248397 - 24


+49 711 248397 - 19



Gefördert durch ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL mit Mitteln des


Mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Staatsministeriums Baden- Württemberg über die Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg (SEZ)

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